Professional Art Brush Sets - Rosemary  Water Colour Set for Large Scale
Professional Art Brush Sets - Rosemary  Water Colour Set for Large Scale
Professional Art Brush Sets - Rosemary  Water Colour Set for Large Scale
Professional Art Brush Sets - Rosemary  Water Colour Set for Large Scale
Professional Art Brush Sets - Rosemary  Water Colour Set for Large Scale
Professional Art Brush Sets - Rosemary  Water Colour Set for Large Scale
Professional Art Brush Sets - Rosemary  Water Colour Set for Large Scale
Rosemary & Co Brushes

Professional Art Brush Sets - Rosemary Water Colour Set for Large Scale

Regular price $204.00 $0.00 Unit price per

Here's that opportunity to buy the world's most loved brushes - Rosemary & Co makes absolutely fantastic brushes! 

You will find your happy place, if you are a watercolour or gouache artist, with this set of brushes crafted and chosen just for your large scale work. Invest in this carefully selected complete group of  nine brushes perfect to beef up your capabilities with added brushes as you increase the size of your paper. 

You will always need perpetual workhorse is the amazing, pure squirrel Series 42 #14. This phenomenal brush will do most things - perfect broad or narrow washes and organic lines down to fine point. It is undeniably perfect for large scale work.

There are two Sable Blend Series 769 Flats to choose from. These are  very strong brushes, with all the attributes of sable mixed with the durability and strength of carefully chosen synthetic fibres - specifically designed by Rosemary to be the best of both worlds.  These brushes will make the lovely angles and washes of a squared flat brush. 

The Series 772 Sable Blend Dagger 1/2 inch is an extremely versatile brush, able to do fine points, straight, thin lines, pull linear washes and make very interesting organic shapes as you twist it as you apply the paint to the paper. it doe

The two Series 401 Sable Blenddbrushes are your perfect all-purpose mid-sized pointed round workhorses, capable of long organic lines, dots, fine lines, dropping off precise patches of paint or drops of water and nimbly creating odd organic shapes. The #8 and the #12 will adapt to the various sizes of work you do.

I have included three specialty brushes that I know you will treasure. The Shiraz #6 Rigger will drop a perfectly consistent 1/8" line for what feels like an eternity! Or maybe little dashes. . . forever.  It is a brilliantly designed brush. This large size rigger is great for all kinds of inorganic forms, particularly on larger works, like posts or wires, lettering or consistent dashes. A smaller rigger, the Series 88 Pure Sable #  is just a phenomenal  brush too, capable of the tiniest hair lines to 1/16". It can undulate nimbly between the two and go on and on without reloading. A powerful workhorse for filling small places and mid-sized organic lines is the Series 232 Kolinsky Sable Spotter #4. This brush has a unique combination of incredible strength, dexterity and precision. This is a brush that stands up to highly pigmented paint if need be, and will drop a perfectly precise organic line down to a hair-sized and up to 1/8",  or do a perfectly round fat or fine dot!

All of this perfection comes with a perfect water media brush case. This brilliant little beechwood box is compact, but big enough for all your brushes. It suspends all of those wonderful brushes, holding them in the middle between foam pads. This allows the tips to dry out in a space in the box that is perforated with air holes. Brilliant. Perfect. 

Invest in all of this superb functionality that will see you through years and years of exhilarating studio painting. You will never regret it!

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